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Commission Meetings

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Heymann Performing Arts & Frem Boustany Convention Center Advisory Commission

As governed by Ordinance No. O-229-96, The commission meets at a date and time and in a place determined by the commissioners.

The function of the commision is to advise the Lafayette City-Parish Government regarding the operation and maintenance of the Heymann Performing Arts Center & Frem Boustany Center. It will have the power to interview and recommend to the City-Parish President, through the Director of the Community Development Department, a manager for the facility, whenever that position would become vacant. The Commission will also make recommendations to the Manager of the Center in the formulation of programs which the commission considers beneficial to the operation and maintenance of the Center. The Commission will also carry out such other functions and duties as may be assigned to it, from time to time, by the Lafayette City-Parish Government.

For information regarding upcoming meetings, agendas and minutes, please see– https://lafayettela.gov/events

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